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Junpei Takano

Professor, Ph.D.


Graduate School of Agriculture

Osaka Metropolitan University (since April 2022)

1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai-shi, 

Okasa 599-8531, JAPAN

Tel: +81-72-254-9406

jtakano (at)

Selected Publication

Yoshinari A*, Hosokawa T*, Beier MP, Oshima K, Ogino Y, Hori C, Takasuka TE, Fukao Y, Fujiwara T, Takano J (2021) Transport-coupled ubiquitination of the borate transporter BOR1 for its boron-dependent degradation. The Plant Cell.  *These authors contributed equally. 


Yoshinari A, Toda Y, Takano J (2021) GNOM‐dependent endocytosis maintains polar localization of the borate exporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis. Biology of the Cell.


Yoshinari A, Hosokawa T, Amano T, Beier MP, Kunieda T, Shimada T, Hara-Nishimura I, Naito S, Takano J (2019) Polar localization of the borate exporter BOR1 requires AP2-dependent endocytosis. Plant Physiology 179: 1569-1580


Fukuda M*, Wakuta S*, Kamiyo J, Fujiwara T, Takano J (2018) Establishment of genetically encoded biosensors for cytosolic boric acid in plant cell. The Plant Journal  95: 763−774 *These authors contributed equally.  


Wang S, Yoshinari A, Shimada T, Hara-Nishimura I, Mitani-Ueno N, Ma JF, Naito S, Takano J (2017) Polar localization of the NIP5;1 boric acid channel is maintained by endocytosis and failitates boron transport in Arabidopsis roots. The Plant Cell  29: 824-842. 

Yoshinari A, Takano J (2017) Insights into the mechanisms underlying boron homeostasis in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science.


Takano J, Yoshinari A, Luu D (2017) Plant Aquaporin Trafficking. in Plant Aquaporins, Signaling and Communication in plants. 


Yoshinari A, Fujimoto M, Ueda T, Inada N, Naito S, Takano J (2016) DRP1-dependent endocytosis is essential for polar localization and boron-induced degradation of the borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiology 57: 1985–2000.


Takano J, Tanaka M, Toyoda A, Miwa K, Kasai K, Fuji K, Onouchi H, Naito S, Fujiwara T (2010) Polar localization and degradation of Arabidopsis boron transporters through distinct trafficking pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(11): 5220-5225. 

Takano J*, Wada M*, Ludewig U, Schaaf G, von Wirén N, Fujiwara T (2006) The Arabidopsis Major Intrinsic Protein NIP5 ; 1 Is Essential for Efficient Boron Uptake and Plant Development under Boron Limitation. Plant Cell. 2006;18(June):1498-1509. *These authors contributed equally. 

Takano J, Miwa K, Yuan L, von Wirén N, Fujiwara T (2005) Endocytosis and degradation of BOR1, a boron transporter of Arabidopsis thaliana, regulated by boron availability. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 12276–12281

Takano J, Noguchi K, Yasumori M, Kobayashi M, Gajdos Z, Miwa K, Hayashi H, Yoneyama T, Fujiwara T (2002) Arabidopsis boron transporter for xylem loading. Nature 420: 337–340

©2016 Lab. of Crop Ecophysiology, Osaka Prefecture University

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