Lecturer, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Agriculture
Osaka Metropolitan University
(since April 2022)
1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai-shi,
Okasa 599-8531, JAPAN
E-mail: matsu20 [at] omu.ac.jp
Funakoshi Y, Daimon H, Matsumura A (2015) Formation of densely branched lateral roots in Sesbania cannabina triggered by patchily distributed phosphorus in andosolic soils. Plant Root (in press).
Matsumura A, Yamawaki K, Taniguchi T, Tarui A, Hossain MA, Mishiba K,Daimon H (2014) Mycorrhizal status of the genus Curcuma plants cultivated on the main island of Okinawa. Tropical Agriculture and Development 58: 123-134.
Hattori R, Matsumura A, Yamawaki K, Tarui A, Daimon H (2014) Excess soil water impact on colonization and extraradical mycelium biomass production of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soybean field. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research 2: 41-48.
Hattori R, Matsumura A, Yamawaki K, Tarui A, Daimon H (2014) Influence of excess soil water on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization during the early growth stage in soybean grown in a paddy-converted upland field. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 1: 521-530.
Matsumura A, Taniguchi S, Yamawaki K, Hattori R, Tarui A, Yano K, Daimon H (2013) Nitrogen uptake from amino acids in maize through arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. American Journal of Plant Sciences 4: 2290-2294.
Hattori R, Matsumura A, Yamawaki K, Tarui A, Daimon H (2013) Effects of flooding on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization and root-nodule formation in different roots of soybeans. Agricultural Sciences 4: 673-677.
Yamawaki K, Matsumura A, Hattori R, Tarui A, Hossain MA, Ohashi Y, Daimon H (2013) Effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth, nutrient uptake and curcumin production of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) . Agricultural Sciences 4: 66-71.
Tarui A, Matsumura A, Asakura S, Yamawaki K, Hattori R, Daimon H (2013) Enhancement of nitrogen uptake in oat by cutting hairy vetch grown as an associated crop. Plant Root 7: 83-91.
Yamawaki K, Matsumura A, Hattori R, Tarui A, Hossain MA, Ohashi Y, Daimon H (2013) Possibility of introducing winter legumes, hairy vetch and faba bean, as green manures to turmeric cropping in temperate region. Plant Production Science 17: 173-184.
Tarui A, Matsumura A, Asakura S, Yamawaki K, Hattori R, Daimon H (2013) Evaluation of mixed cropping of oat and hairy vetch as green manure for succeeding corn production. Plant Production Science 16: 383-392.
朝倉草平,松村篤,今堀義洋,大門弘幸 (2013) 簡易ガス置換法により評価した帰化アサガオ類の発芽に及ぼす気相酸素濃度の影響. 日本作物学会紀事83: 160-164.
Asakura S, Noma C, Matsumura A, Daimon H (2013) Alternative experimental method using a FRP pot for evaluating wet damage in soybean and morning glory grown under excess soil water conditions. Plant Production Science 16: 280-284.
Horii S, Matsumura A, Kuramoto M, Ishii T (2009) Tryptophan dimer produced by water-stressed bahia grass is an attractant for Gigaspora margarita and Glomus caledonium. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 25: 1883-1885.
Muok BO, Matsumura A, Ishii T, Odee DW (2009) The effect of intercropping Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst., millet and corn in the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. African Journal of Biotechnology 8: 807-812.
Matsumura A, Nomizu T, Furutani N, Hayashi K, Minamiyama Y, Hase Y (2009) Ray florets color and shape mutants induced by 12C5+ ion beam irradiation in chrysanthemum. Scientia Horticulturae 123: 558-561.
Ishii T, Matsumura A, Horii S,Motosugi H, Cruz AF (2007) Network establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae in the rhizospheres between citrus rootstocks and Paspalum notatum or Vulpia myuros grown in sand substrate. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 217-222.
Horii S, Matsumura A, Cruz AF, Ishii T (2007) A simple method for spore production of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi using bahiagrass. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management 14: 25-30.
Matsumura A, Horii S, Ishii T (2007) Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the intercropping with bahiagrass on growth and anti-oxidative enzyme activity of radish. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 76: 224-229.
Muok BO, Matsumura A, Ishii T, Odee DW (2007) Genetic diversity within Sclerocarya birrea populations in Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments 71: 1-11.